Think Quality Start


Service Description

The Think Quality Start service has been designed for people who have an idea or skill that they want to turn into a business or are just starting their business.

Think Quality Start is designed to build your idea into a product or service that is easily marketable and successful. At the same time, all the different tasks you require to run your business are generated.

Most people who are looking to start their own business have little knowledge of all the tasks involved in running a business. One of the reasons for this is that until now there has been no visual representation of a working business, where the individual tasks are accessible and tangible to new business owners.

The team at Think Quality Start will review your business proposition and provide you with bespoke methods to enable you to sell your product or service. Your product is positioned to match the needs of your target market and the delivery tools for your company are arranged around this.


The key benefits of the Think Quality Start service are:

  • Kick start your business – Putting it on the right track from the start.
  • Know your market – Your products and services are designed to satisfy the needs of your customers and target markets.
  • Reduce mistakes or errors – Don’t make costly mistakes or unnecessary errors.
  • Start your business before you go into business – Create and test the whole product, service and business before you hit the market or spend large costs on offices.
  • You are in control – You can use our methods and follow our approach on your own.
  • Start-up Costs are dramatically reduced and success is achieved more quickly.

Where to start?

Think Quality Start will take you through several simple steps to set-up your business:

1. Using the Think Quality Methods, we initially work with you to understand your target customers, the capabilities that make up your product or service and your business intentions.

2. We then breakdown these capabilities and match them against the target customers needs, thereby generating outlines of the products and services.

3. These product and service outlines are then layered to create all the tasks and steps that the business needs in order to operate as a functioning business.

4. Next we apply the Think Quality Technology which absorbs the information and automatically generates simple easy tools to make it easy to run your business.

5. You then use and test these tools, and change and improve as required.

6. As customer needs change, new competitors emerge and external markets fluctuate, you are able to adapt your business to react and maximise opportunities by changing the way you deliver your products and services through the Think Quality methods and technology.


Pricing is based on a monthly fee. It covers the efforts of the Think Quality team to initially support you and then for use of the business and methods thereafter. This fee is charged per number of staff users. Our pricing has been calculated to enable anyone to start their own business without huge overheads.

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